
Sedona, AZ

January 30, 2020

Wowow, I have fallen deeply in love with Sedona!

We picked Cathedral Rock to explore because it’s one of the shorter hikes in Sedona where a Vortex is said to be present.

A vortex is a place on earth where the energy is incredibly high, and it amplifies your emotive state. It’s also especially beneficial for healing + self growth!
I wasn’t sure what to really expect after doing some research, but either way I couldn’t resist.

Once I got to the top, it literally felt like I was high. Not because we’re hiking at a 5000 ft elevation, but literally HIGH from sheer excitement. The last step you take to finally overlook the cliffs and valleys is nothing short of jaw dropping. I was actually bouncing around 😂

It took us 2 hours & 20 mins total to hike in 37° weather, and that included stopping a handful of times for photos & to soak up the endless views from every angle.
Needless to say I’m 100% convinced the vortexes are real and I’m dying to come back for a long weekend sooner than later to experience more of them!

After our hike, we were STARVED! We headed to this cute little Mexican restaurant called 89Agave, where I grabbed a house margarita & indulged in a salsa flight with unlimited chips…aka my weakness.

After we stuffed our faces and decompressed from the hike, I wanted to explore some of the places Sedona is famous for energy work. We found this place called Mystical Bazaar, where there were endless amounts of crystals, tarot decks, intuitive guides, and of course, aura photography!
Aura photography has been on my to do list for the longest time, and I’ve had a lot of trouble finding anywhere near me locally, so I knew it would be easier to locate a place while traveling…and voila! We did!

Here’s a snapshot of my aura report

My aura is Blue-Green!

I was so fascinated that my aura color result was blue, because years ago someone had told me my aura was red and purple! But your aura can definitely change as you grow or experience new things, so reading the description of this color field was insightful nonetheless.

Unfortunately, we only had enough time to spend one day in Sedona, but I would recommend 2-3 as the perfect amount of time to conquer a couple of hikes & explore some of Sedona’s more spiritual side.
This place felt like home to me honestly. I felt like I fit right in. And if I ever experience a mid life crisis & plan to go off grid….this is the place I’ll be!