Heart + Mind Self Growth

Using Tarot for Self Growth

May 20, 2020

I grew up in a southern baptist Christian school all the way through junior high. It’s hard for me to say much without sounding like I’m bashing them because everything I believe in has drastically changed. 

But basically, there was very little freedom of expression, unwavering strict rules + a lotttt of fear inducing. 

The kind of religion I grew up experiencing never felt safe to me. I am naturally highly inquisitive and a logical thinker, so some of the rules just. didn’t. make. sense. And as an official grown up, I can still say they don’t. 

In short, anything that promoted self-knowledge or the free use of intuition/psychic powers etc. was super forbidden. Including tarot cards. I’ve heard every story in the book- from the deck summoning the devil to spirits attaching themselves. 

All in all, I’ve realized…. this is a bunch of poppycock. Tarot and oracle cards have literally changed my life. 

The thing is, I never grew up with self trust. I was an indecisive, reassurance and validation seeking commitment-phobe. It was so hard for me to pick apart what was right for me and what wasn’t. I seriously lacked clarity in almost every single aspect of my life, and it was so maddening. 

I started exercising my intuition by various means of practice…and over the years I have gotten way more in tune with myself and others. After initially being a little scared and apprehensive from all those hardcore beliefs that were drilled into my head from a young age, I started using tarot as another intuitive means. 

Oddly enough, I found an Earth Magic deck tucked away in my storage unit. I started practicing silencing my mind and I would pull a card for the day. Then I would get deeper and deeper into all the lingering questions that I wanted more clarity on. I finally caved and ordered the tarot deck I use now- The Light Seers Tarot. It’s artwork magnetically pulled me in and now it’s really the only one I love to use. I have no regrets about purchasing this beautiful deck! 

Once I started researching different ways to lay out the cards in order to answer the questions (spreads) and got to know the suits & numbers…along with paying close attention to each card itself when pulled, I gained a better understanding of what they all represent. 

The beauty of tarot

is that even though the deck gives you a clear description, everyone could have a different interpretation and identify differently with each card! So when you pull a card, its there to shed some light on the situation you’ve asked about. It’s asking you to look for the answer inside yourself, instead of needing affirmations from others— others who do not walk the same path as you. 

It’s really beautiful because I truly believe everyone knows in their heart of hearts what is the right thing to do for themselves- no one can tell you that. No one knows your innermost desires like you do, and they sure as hell don’t have to live with the choices you make. 

Tarot is an amazing practical tool to develop your intuition, practice introspection, and feed your soul. 🖤 

Shop my favorite decks + guidebook below: